
My personal template that I use when making a discord bot, with Discord.py v2.0.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Discord.py v2.0 Template

This is a template that I intend to use as the core for other bot projects, or for generally messing around with making Discord bots. This project was inspired by the development efforts of the Discord.py team in developing the v2.0 release for the newest Discord API version.


This is all very much a work in progress.

Environment Settings

The project is currently configured to use a .env file for configuring the environment. By creating the .env file in the root of the project, you can use the following format to configure the program:

# Discord Bot Settings
BOT_DESCRIPTION="A simple description."

# Cogs To Load

# Database Connection Info

# Twitter Specific Config

Settings Info

Individual settings information.

Discord Bot Settings

General bot settings.

  • BOT_TOKEN: The Discord-provided token the bot uses to authenticate with the discord servers.
  • BOT_DESCRIPTION: A short description of the bot.
  • BOT_GUILD: The ID of the primary guild the bot belongs to.
  • BOT_OWNER: The ID of the owner of the bot (used to limit certain developer commands).
  • BOT_COLOR: The default color for the bot, as a hex string (used for coloring embed messages).

Cogs To Load

A collection of what cogs to load/not load. By default, this includes COGS_DND, COGS_MISC, COGS_MODERATION, and COGS_TWITTER. However, custom cogs can be added by adding a cog to the cogs folder, then adding a new environment variable to this collection called COGS_FILENAME, where FILENAME is the name of your cog file in all caps. Note that your cogs should have all lowercase file names.

Database Connection Info

This project uses a PostgreSQL database to persist data. These options are pretty self explanatory, and give the bot the information it needs to connect to the database.

Twitter Specific Config

Config options specific to the twitter cog.

  • TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN: The bearer token that the Twitter API provides for their API v2 endpoints.