
groupie-tracker v2

Primary LanguageCSS

Groupie Tracker

Screenshot The project consists on receiving a given API and manipulate the data contained in it, in order to create a site, displaying the information. This project also focuses on the creation of events and on their visualization.

  • Technical Stack: Golang, HTML/CSS, Javascript

  • The website is using an API, that consists in four parts:

    • The first one, artists, containing information about some bands and artists like their name(s), image, in which year they began their activity, the date of their first album and the members.

    • The second one, locations, consists in their last and/or upcoming concert locations.

    • The third one, dates, consists in their last and/or upcoming concert dates.

    • And the last one, relation, does the link between all the other parts, artists, dates and locations.

  • Given all this I have built a user friendly website where the bands info displayed.

How to run

$ cd groupie-tracker/
$ go run /cmd/main.go
2023/02/26 13:55:49 Запуск сервера на

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