
This is a Spotify song downloader made with python

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Spotify Music Downloader🎵

Welcome to the Spotify Music Downloader project! Dive into the world of offline music with this handy tool, making it easy to download your favorite tracks and playlists from Spotify. Whether you're prepping for a long flight or building your ultimate music collection, this downloader has got your back.

Features ✨

  • Download songs in AAC 128kbps or in AAC 256kbps with a premium account
  • Download music videos with a premium account
  • Download synced lyrics with a premium account
  • Highly configurable

Prerequisites 📋

Installation 🛠️

  1. Install the package spotify-web-downloaderusing pip
  pip install spotify-web-downloader
  1. Place your cookies file in the directory from which you will be running spotify-web-downloader and name it cookies.txt.

Usage/Examples 🚀

You can use bash

spotify-web-downloader [OPTIONS] URLS...


  • Download song/Track/Playlist
spotify-web-downloader "spotify-link"

Replace The spotify-link with your desired song/Track/Playlist

Configuration ⚙️

spotify-web-downloader can be configured using command line arguments or a config file. The config file is created automatically on the first run:

  • Linux: ~/.spotify-web-downloader/config.json
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%.spotify-web-downloader\config.json
  • Command Line Arguments / Config File Keys
Command line argument / Config file key Description Default value
--download-music-video / download_music_video Attempt to download music videos from songs (can lead to incorrect results). false
--save-cover, -s / save_cover Save cover as a separate file. false
--overwrite / overwrite Overwrite existing files. false
--read-urls-as-txt, -r / - Interpret URLs as paths to text files containing URLs. false
--lrc-only, -l / lrc_only Download only the synced lyrics. false
--no-lrc / no_lrc Don't download the synced lyrics. false
--config-path / - Path to config file. <home>/.spotify-web-downloader/config.json
--log-level / log_level Log level. INFO
--print-exceptions / print_exceptions Print exceptions. false
--cookies-path, -c / cookies_path Path to .txt cookies file. ./cookies.txt
--output-path, -o / output_path Path to output directory. ./Spotify
--temp-path / temp_path Path to temporary directory. ./temp
--wvd-path / wvd_path Path to .wvd file. null
--ffmpeg-path / ffmpeg_path Path to FFmpeg binary. ffmpeg
--mp4box-path / mp4box_path Path to MP4Box binary. MP4Box
--mp4decrypt-path / mp4decrypt_path Path to mp4decrypt binary. mp4decrypt
--aria2c-path / aria2c_path Path to aria2c binary. aria2c
--nm3u8dlre-path / nm3u8dlre_path Path to N_m3u8DL-RE binary. N_m3u8DL-RE
--remux-mode / remux_mode Remux mode. ffmpeg
--date-tag-template / date_tag_template Date tag template. %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
--exclude-tags / exclude_tags Comma-separated tags to exclude. null
--truncate / truncate Maximum length of the file/folder names. 40
--template-folder-album / template_folder_album Template of the album folders as a format string. {album_artist}/{album}
--template-folder-compilation / template_folder_compilation Template of the compilation album folders as a format string. Compilations/{album}
--template-file-single-disc / template_file_single_disc Template of the song files for single-disc albums as a format string. {track:02d} {title}
--template-file-multi-disc / template_file_multi_disc Template of the song files for multi-disc albums as a format string. {disc}-{track:02d} {title}
--download-mode-song / download_mode_song Download mode for songs. ytdlp
--premium-quality, -p / premium_quality Download songs in premium quality. false
--template-folder-music-video / template_folder_music_video Template of the music video folders as a format string. {artist}/Unknown Album
--template-file-music-video / template_file_music_video Template of the music video files as a format string. {title}
--download-mode-video / download_mode_video Download mode for videos. ytdlp
--no-config-file, -n / - Do not use a config file. false

Tag Variables 🏷️

There are some variables can be used in the template folder/file and/or in the exclude_tags list:

  • album
  • album_artist
  • artist
  • compilation
  • composer
  • copyright
  • cover
  • disc
  • disc_total
  • isrc
  • label
  • lyrics
  • media_type
  • producer
  • rating
  • release_date
  • release_year
  • title
  • track
  • track_total
  • url

Remux Modes 🔄

Remux modes

The following remux modes are available:

Music Videos Quality 📺

Music videos will be downloaded in the highest quality available in H.264/AAC, up to 1080p.

Download Modes ⬇️



Contributing 🤝 We love collaboration! If you'd like to contribute to the Spotify Music Downloader:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a Pull Request.

Issues and Feedback 🐛

Encountered a bug or have some feedback? Open an issue on GitHub Issues. We'd love to hear from you!


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For support, email me on this address salahin0ashfi@gmail.com or join our Discord Server.


