
Handle c++ projects and testing

Primary LanguageShell


Handle c++ projects and testing


|-bin //Executable files (.exe)
|-obj //Compiled and assembled (not linked) (
|-src //Source code (.cc)
|-test //Tests inputs and outputs (
.in,*.out) or test mains (new protester projects)
|-output//Program's output to different tests


Create a project, add tests and objects and set the includes. Once you do this, just call protester in your project folder to run tests, compile and/or execute.

"Hello test"

Execute the following, changing {project_name} for a name of your choice

protester -n {project_name}
cd {project_name}

You should see the template code executing its tests (and hopefully passing them)


Create a bin folder under your home directory
mkdir bin

Copy content into the folder:

And you should be ready to go.


Unrecognized command
Is the bin folder in $PATH variable? (echo $PATH) If not, you should add it. Do this by editing a file usually called .*rc in your home directory (The name of the file can change on different distros)

Library not found
Create src/inc in your project, and place there your headers

Folder doesn't exist
Create the folder that doesn't exist and try again

Class not defined
You should add all the objects (.o files (compiled and assembled classes)) to be linked inside obj directory