
PTUK - CSE BA Assembly Course

Primary LanguageAssembly


simple assembly codes running on emu8086 in .asm format

aaa_aas_aam_aad.asm : use aaa(Adjust After Addition),aas(Adjust After subtraction),aam(Adjust After multiplication),aad(Adjust before division) .. inputs in code

compare_pos_neg.asm : Write a program that allow user to enter a number and print positive, negative or Zero ?

vowelchecker.asm :Write a program that allow user to Enter Character And print vowel or Not (upper and lower Case)

evenodd_checker.asm : Write a program that check number even or odd

upper_lower_both.asm : rite a program that get a character and Convert from upper to lower if it upper or convert form lower to upper if it lower

upperlowerboth_using_or_and.asm : Write a program that Convert from upper to lower if it upper or convert form lower to upper if it lower using and_or

printloop.asm : Write a program to print the numbers from 1 to 9 using Loop instruction.

loop_letters_without_vowels.asm : Write a program to print the characters from a to z except ( a, e, i, o, u ) using Loop instruction.

even_numbers_loop.asm : Write a program to print the even numbers from 0 to 9 using Loop instruction

mul_by_user.asm : Write a program allow user to enter two number and print Multiplication

sum__test.asm : What is the result of this expression? 5 - 2 + 3 * 6 / 2 Write an assembly instructions for computing the result

enter_character.asm : Read a character from user and Display it on the screen

division_decimal.asm : Simple division in Assembly

simple_calc.asm : Simple calculator
