
MovieApp is an open-source Android app for exploring movies. It features a clean UI for browsing, searching, and viewing movie details using data from The Movie Database (TMDb) API. The app is built with Clean Architecture and MVVM, using Koin for dependency injection and Retrofit for API integration.

Primary LanguageKotlin


MovieApp is an open-source Android application that provides users with the latest movie information, including details, ratings, and trailers. The app is built using a clean architecture approach, following the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern, and is powered by The Movie Database (TMDb) API.

Table of Contents


  • Browse popular, top-rated, and upcoming movies.
  • View detailed movie information, including cast, crew, and trailers.
  • Search for movies by title.
  • Save favorite movies for quick access.
  • Responsive UI design compatible with various screen sizes.

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin - Main programming language used for development.
  • Clean Architecture - Separation of concerns into layers: Domain, Data, and Presentation.
  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) - Architectural pattern used for maintaining a separation of concerns.
  • Koin - Dependency injection framework for providing dependencies in a clean and modular way.
  • XML - Layouts are designed using XML for a consistent and easy-to-maintain UI.
  • Retrofit - For making RESTful API calls to the TMDb API.
  • OkHttp - Networking library used for HTTP requests.
  • Glide - Image loading and caching library for displaying movie posters and images.
  • LiveData - For data observation in UI components.
  • ViewModel - Lifecycle-aware components to store and manage UI-related data.
  • Room - Persistence library for managing the app’s local database.
  • Coroutines - For asynchronous programming and managing background tasks.
  • Data Binding - For binding UI components in layouts to data sources.


The application is structured using Clean Architecture, ensuring a clear separation between different parts of the app. The architecture is divided into three main layers:

  1. Domain Layer: Contains business logic and use cases.
  2. Data Layer: Manages data from various sources (e.g., remote APIs, local database).
  3. Presentation Layer: Handles UI-related logic and displays data to the user.

The MVVM pattern is utilized within the Presentation Layer to maintain a clean separation of concerns between the UI (View), data management (ViewModel), and business logic (Model).

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/asadbekturgunboyev/MovieApp.git
    cd MovieApp
  2. Obtain an API key:

  3. Add the API key to your project:

    • Create a local.properties file in the root of the project and add your API key:
  4. Build the project:

    • Open the project in Android Studio.
    • Sync the Gradle files and build the project.
  5. Run the app:

    • Connect your Android device or start an emulator.
    • Click on the 'Run' button in Android Studio.


Once the app is installed, you can:

  • Browse movies by different categories (e.g., popular, top-rated).
  • Search for movies by title.
  • View detailed information about each movie.
  • Save your favorite movies for quick access later.