
An implementation of a basic diffusion model with some insights and testing the minGPT model

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Diffusion and minGPT analysis:

Unconditional diffusion model:

this analysis uses 2D data for low computetional resource requirements, but the main ideas are the same for higher dimention data.

plot of the forward noise process of a random sample:

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Denoiser train loss:

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DDIM sampling for 9 different seeds:

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Effect of the number of denoising steps on the generated point (on a single point and for large nunber of points):

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trials with a different sampler:

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no noticable differance

adding noise to the sampling process:

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another view:

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conditional diffusion model:


Generated train data: Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 11 29 29

Train loss:

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sampling one point from each class:

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sampling 1000 random samples from the model:

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point estimation for 5 representaive samples:

check for class variation, OOD to variable degrees and probable samples Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 11 31 11


to make the minGPT part work - clone the mingpt repo and replace the model.py file from there.

train loss:

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latents optimization (LO) for making the model output a never seen before sentance:

the wanted sentance is "I am a little squirrel holding a walnut" Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 11 31 52

Attention analasys for the last transformer block:

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Attention analasys for the first transformer block:

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Attention visualization:

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probability of an example generated output:

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