

Base dependencies

Folder structure

This template follows a very simple project structure:

  • src: This folder is the main container of all the code inside your application.
    • assets: Asset folder to store all images, vectors, etc.
    • components: Folder to store any common component that you use through your app (such as a generic button)
    • constants: Folder to store any kind of constant that you have.
    • navigation: Folder to store the navigators.
    • screens: Folder that contains all your application screens/features.
    • theme: Folder to store all the styling concerns related to the application theme.
    • App.js: Main component that starts your whole app.
    • index.js: Entry point of your application as per React-Native standards.


Clone the repo:

This package also depends on react. Please make sure you have it installed (npm install if you use npm or yarn if you use yarn) For run application, open terminal and paste this => npx react-native start, after that, open new terminal and paste this yarn android for run emulator (if you have) or run physical phone.