
A small script which uses the Asana API to remove external users (ie without a company email) from an organization if they haven't logged in for 30 days

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small node script which uses the Asana API to remove external users (ie without a company email) from an organization if they haven't logged in for set number of days.

To Develop

  • Install node
  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install

To test, run npm run test.

To build the binaries, use npm run build.

To Run


  • Create a service account in the organization (preferred, an admin PAT will also work)
  • Export a csv of Organization Members from the Organization settings panel or – if you are an Asana eng – obtain a signed url for csv export of the members of the domain.


There are two ways to run the script:

1. Providing options as arguments

You can run the script by setting all required options:

Dry run (displays which users would be deprovisioned):

node depro-inactive-guests.js --auth <service account token> --csv <csv export url or file path> --organization_id <organization id> --threshold <# of inactive days>

Actually deprovision those users:

node depro-inactive-guests.js --auth <service account token> --csv <csv export url or file path> --organization_id <organization id> --threshold <# of inactive days> --mode action

2. Entering options in response to prompts

Or you can run the script without arguments and simply type in the correct information when prompted:

node depro-inactive-guests.js

Note that this is the same as executing one of the built binaries.

The script will prompt you for the information it needs:

  • Serivce account token
  • URL or absolute file path to a .csv file
  • Organization ID
  • Threshold (number of inactive days we count as being an "inactive guest")
  • Mode ("dry" run or "action" run)