
Projects for testing different approaches and tools in testing

Primary LanguageJava

A number of projects created to study different approaches and tools in testing

Application under test (AUT)

AUT description

All projects will be using Golang Web Application as a application under test. It's a fork of application that was made by Yuta Kuroki

Run AUT from source

So before running some test projects, we need to deploy the application locally, deployment described in README. However, in some project, AUT can be running as a precondition.

  1. Precondition is download and install Golang
  2. Close AUT repository
git clone https://github.com/Asangin/go-webapp-sample.git
  1. cd into project and run server
cd go-webapp-sample
go run main.go 

Run AUT in docker

docker-compose up

Run all tests

mvn clean test --fail-never


Run test in particular module

mvn clean test -pl playwright-tests
mvn clean test -Dtest=MainTest -pl wiremock-tests