Using TensorRT inference MIMO-UnetPlus on the jetson TX2, but I don't know to process output tensor.
we need have MIMO-UnetPlus's model in onnx format. According to official guidance, we can get MIMO-UnetPlus's model in onnx format form model of the pytorch framework.
has detail codes.
Execute the following statement in the code directory:
Note: You must have MIMO-UnetPlus's model of the pytorch framework in this directory.
Using trtexec generate TensorRT engine.
cd MIMO_Tensorrt/weights
trtexec --onnx='your_model'.onnx --verbose --explicitBatch --shapes=input_name:1x3x720x1280 --saveEngine='engineName'.engine
Note: Make sure your environment variables are set.
Begin to complie and run.
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..