


Robot Framework SeleniumToBrowser library helps with converting automated tests using SeleniumLibrary keywords to Browser library


A couple of considerations on how to use this library:

  • Both Browser and SeleniumToBrowser must be declared inside the robot code.
  • "Overlapping keywords" between Selenium and Brower, like Open Browser will need to called with the library prefix

Conversion Guidelines

Browser library provides many keywords that are similar to the ones we have in Selenium, but the correspondence is not one-on-one. There are keywords that can be used to execute the same actions that in Selenium are executed by multiple ones.

Here you can access to the documentation of the library: Browser Library.

1. Click Element

To click on an element with Browser, you use ‘Click’. This keyword will replace all the ‘Click Element’, ‘Click Button’, ‘Click Link’ and the rest of ‘click’ keywords we used in Selenium.

This keyword has implicit waits, what means that you don’t need to add ‘waits’ for the element to be visible before clicking. The timeout for the implicit wait is the one set when opening the browser at the beginning, there is no way to pass a custom timeout in this keyword. To don’t use the implicit waits, you can add the argument force=True.

The structure is the same, Click + selector of the element.

Keyword Documentation

Selenium Browser
Click Element    selector Click    selector


2. Select Option From Dropdown List

In Selenium, to select an option in a select, we just use ‘Click’. With Browser, there is a specific keyword to do it: ‘Select Options By’. If you use click to select an option in a dropdown list, it doesn’t work.

The structure is: Select Options By + selector + attribute + value.

The attribute is the way you will use to select the element, could be value, label, text or index.

Keyword Documentation

Selenium Browser
Click Element    select_locator Select Options By    select_locator    attribute    option_value
Click Element    option_locator

Select Options By

3. Select Checkbox

Instead of using ‘Select checkbox’ as we do in Selenium, in Browser we need to use ‘Check Checkbox’ to select a checkbox.

The syntax is: Check Checkbox + selector.

Keyword Documentation

Check Checkbox

Selenium Browser
Select Checkbox    selector Check Checkbox    selector

Note: This will fail if the checkbox is already checked. In that case you can first use ‘Get Checkbox State’ to know if the checkbox is already checked.

Check Checkbox

4. Unselect Checkbox

Is the opposite to the previous keyboard. You can use ‘Uncheck Checkbox’ to uncheck a checkbox.

The syntax is: Uncheck Checkbox + selector.

Keyword Documentation

Check Checkbox

Selenium Browser
Unselect Checkbox    selector Uncheck Checkbox    selector

5. Input Text

To migrate from Selenium to Browser, you need to replace all the ‘Input Text’ with ‘Fill Text’. The syntax is the same and the behavior too. It will add the sent text to the field all at once. If you need to input the text simulating typing you can use ‘Type Text’.

Syntax: Fill text + selector + text

Keyword Documentation

Check Checkbox

Selenium Browser
Input Text    selector    text Fill Text    selector    text

6. Press Keys

The keyword has the same name as browser one. In this case you don’t need to replace anything, it will work as it was before.

Keyword Documentation

7. Mouse Over

The keyword ‘Hover’ will replace the ‘Mouse Over’ keyword from Selenium library. The syntax is the same, you just need to pass the locator for the element.

Syntax: Hover + locator

Keyword Documentation

Check Checkbox

Selenium Browser
Mouse Over    selector Hover    selector

8. Scroll To Element

As you know, we usually use javascript to scroll to an element. Browser provides a keyword called ‘Scroll To’ but in reality, you won’t need to use it in most of the cases. Browser does it implicity when using ‘Click’ for example.

9. Wait Until Element Is Visible

In Browser we have ‘Wait For Elements State’. This keyword can replace multiple keywords from Selenium. It accepts arguments, so you can check for the state you need: attached, detached, visible, hidden, enabled, disabled, etc. Here you can see all the accepted attributes: Element States

By default, the attribute that is verified is ‘visible’. So when you use: ‘Wait For Elements State + selector’ without adding the explicit attribute, the test will wait until the element is visible. This will replace then ‘Wait Until Element Is Visible’.

Keyword Documentation

Wait Until Is Visible

Selenium Browser
Wait Until Element Is Visible    selector Wait For Elements State    selector

10. Wait Until Element Is Not Visible

View 9. for description.

Selenium Browser
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible    selector Wait For Elements State    selector    hidden

11. Wait Until Element Is Enabled

View 9. for description.

Selenium Browser
Wait Until Element Is Enabled    selector Wait For Elements State    selector    enabled

12. Wait Until Page Contains Element

View 9. for description.

Selenium Browser
Wait Until Page Contains Element    selector Wait For Elements State    selector    attached

13. Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element

View 9. for description.

Selenium Browser
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element    selector Wait For Elements State    selector    detached

14. Element Should Be Visible

In Browser we use ‘Get Element State’ to verify the status of an element. This keyword is useful to verified that an element has the expected state. You can verify from multiple attributes, like in the previous keyword (Element States) and the default one is ‘visible’. In the practice it will replace all the ‘Element Should Be’ keywords.

By default, this keyword verified that the attribute you pass is true. It returns true or false depending on the result.

Keyword Documentation

Selenium Browser
Element Should Be Visible    selector Get Element State    selector

15. Element Should Not Be Visible

View 14. for description.

Wait Until Is Visible

Selenium Browser
Element Should Not Be Visible    selector Get Element State    selector    visible    ==    False

16. Element Should Not Be Visible

View 14. for description.

Selenium Browser
Element Should Be Enabled    selector Get Element State    selector    disabled    ==    False

17. Element Should Be Disabled

View 14. for description.

Selenium Browser
Element Should Be Disabled    selector Get Element State    selector    disabled

18. Element Should Be Focused

View 14. for description.

Selenium Browser
Element Should Be Focused    selector Get Element State    selector    focused

19. Page Should Contain Element

View 14. for description.

Selenium Browser
Page Should Contain Element    selector Get Element State    selector    attached

20. Page Should Not Contain Element

View 14. for description.

Selenium Browser
Page Should Not Contain Element    selector Get Element State    selector    attached    ==    False

21. Checkbox Should Be Selected

In Browser we use ‘Get Checkbox State’. It’s similar to the previous one, but specific to get the state of the checkboxes. It would replace the following keywords from Selenium. By default, the keyword will check and return true if the checkbox is unchecked.

Keyword Documentation

Wait Until Is Visible

Selenium Browser
Checkbox Should Be Selected    selector Get Checkbox State    selector

22. Checkbox Should Be Selected

In Browser we use ‘Get Checkbox State’. It’s similar to the previous one, but specific to get the state of the checkboxes. It would replace the following keywords from Selenium. By default, the keyword will check and return true if the checkbox is unchecked.

Keyword Documentation

Wait Until Is Visible

Selenium Browser
Checkbox Should Be Selected    selector Get Checkbox State    selector

23. Checkbox Should Not Be Selected

In Browser we use ‘Get Checkbox State’. It’s similar to the previous one, but specific to get the state of the checkboxes. It would replace the following keywords from Selenium. By default, the keyword will check and return true if the checkbox is unchecked.

Keyword Documentation

Selenium Browser
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected    selector Get Checkbox State    selector

24. Select Frame

Another thing to take into account when migrating to Browser, is that here we don’t have a ‘Select Frame’ keyword to search elements inside them. The way you interact with elements inside a frame, is by passing the frame locator and then the element.

For example if you want to click an element inside a frame, you should use:

Syntax: Click frame_locator >>> element_locator


Selenium Browser
Select Frame    frame_locator Click    frame_locator >>> element_inside_frame
Click Element    element_inside_selected_frame