
This repo contain scripts written for finding subdomains using various available tools

Primary LanguageShell


Bash scripts written for finding subdomains using various available tools and screenshoting live domains


./recon.sh <domain>

./recon.sh yahoo.com


  • Create a main folder having the domain name we given

  • Create a folder called subdomains and all the subdomains grabbed will be saved as one by one

  • Find the live domains using httprobe

  • Take screenshots of the live domains using aquatone and saved into another folder called aqua-out

     Grabing subdomains using sublis3r, subfinder, amass, bruteforcing using massdns, certspotter and crt.sh

Usage and Installation

All tools and requirement needed for running this can be installed with the help of install-tools.sh install-tools.sh contain the script for installing all tools used here But you need to have go installed before running install-tools.sh

  • Install go
    • sudo apt install golang-go
  • Clone the repo
    • git clone https://github.com/iamj0ker/Find-domains.git
    • cd Find-domains
  • Install tools needed
    • chmod +x install-tools.sh
    • chmod +x recon.sh
    • ./install-tools.sh
  • Usage
    • ./recon.sh yahoo.com

If you have problem with screenshot using aquatone

  • Find the chromium path
    • locate chromium
  • Copy the path and change it on the recon.sh line 40

Find me here : https:/twitter.com/iam_j0ker