Events Web Server - Step 1


  • NodeJS version 16 or greater as the Web Server
  • Express for RESTful Routes
  • Morgan for Logging
  • Mocha, Chai, NYC for Testing


  • Check the version of node with node -v
    if it is less than 16 use nvm to install version 16
    You can check if you have nvm installed with nvm -v if this returns the version of nvm
    you can then use nvm install 16
    Then this command nvm alias default 16 If you don't have nvm installed I suggest that you install it because it is by far the easiest way to switch between version of NodeJS.
  • Run npm install to load the dependencies.
  • Now npm start will start the web server on port 8080

Starting Point

Simple Web server interacting with simple API server that uses volatile storage. Data will be stored in an array on the API server.