Information about Project Folder Structure and Files


Add any maven dependencies to this file. Dependencies declared in this file will be available on the classpath.


Add custom jar files to this folder. Files added to this folder will be copied to WEB-INF/lib/ on the classpath.


All services should be added via studio. Once added, services can be edited via eclipse or other editors, including adding additional classes. Classes in this folder will be compiled when the project is run or deployed. Files added to this folder will be copied to WEB-INF/classes/ on the classpath. Modifications to imported services can be lost upon re-import.

To see external updates in studio, use the refresh button in the java editor.


Add your application sources such as java class files to this folder. Files added to this folder will be copied to WEB-INF/classes/ on the classpath.


Add your application resources such as properties and xml files to this folder. Files added to this folder will be copied to WEB-INF/classes/ on the classpath.


Add web application sources to this folder. Files you need to know:

  • app.css: Application CSS
  • index.html: Can be edited directly to customize, such as including meta, script and other tags.
  • app.js: Contains any application owned component definitions and functions.
  • app.variables.json: Contains any application variable definition.


Add your unit tests specific to the application such as JUnit tests to this folder.


Add your test resources such as properties and xml files to this folder.


This data directory is for HSQLDB Databases.

By default, it contains some sample databases. If your project does not use these sample database, you can delete these files and directory to reduce the size of your project.

You can also add your own HSQLDB database or other data files to this directory. All HSQLDB databases must be in this directory.


Each project page creates a folder by the name of the page, i.e Main. All page files in the pages folder are studio managed. Files you need to know:

  • Page CSS (i.e. Main.css): Contains custom css added in source, css or by applying custom styles to components.
  • Page HTML (i.e. Main.html): Contains any custom markup added in the source, markup editor. Can be edited with the project closed.
  • Page JS (i.e. Main.js): Can be edited via the file system. Use the refresh button in the source, script panel if you edit this file outside of studio.
  • Page Variable (i.e. Main.variable.json): Can be edited via the file system. Use the refresh button in the source, script panel if you edit this file outside of studio.


Contains service definition files used by studio. These files are not user editable.


Created upon first use of the resources panel in studio. These are the folders uses by the resources panel and resources in binding.


web.xml is a studio managed file. Use user-web.xml. Changes to user-web.xml will be merged into web.xml on the classpath.


This folder is populated by studio. Do not edit or add any files to this folder. Changes will be lost. Use src/main/resources instead.


This folder is populated by studio. Do not edit or add any files to this folder. Changes will be lost. Add jars into lib directory of the project or add dependencies in the pom.xml instead.