HCI 104475: Conway Game of Life - An OS course project


StdID Name
64156 Hassan Zaheer
64160 Shahmeer khan


First i learn the rules of the game then i googled some source code and found 1 of c# from geeksforgeeks but that was method based and hardcoded. so i eventually converted the syntax in c and run it after that i loaded array from file by using FILE and its functions.. then i made single threadfunction and put the nextgeneration code in it. the output was saved in a file and every generation output was appended in file. finally i calculated the time by using <time.h> library and saved that too in the file at the end.

Problems Faces

Problem 1: I don't know how the game works(rules)

Got the idea from GeaksforGeeks.

Problem 2: Threadfunction was hard as it dosnt take multiple arguments

Made many variables gloabl so that they dosent required to be passed and passed the Needed one only.

Problem 3: Time Constarint as i started the project a day before deadline

working late at night :)
