
Generate default props based on your React component's PropTypes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generate default props based on your React component's PropTypes

Coverage Status CircleCI


$ npm install --save-dev react-generate-props


Define your component's propTypes.

const Counter = ({ count }) => <div>{count}</div>
Counter.propTypes = { count: PropTypes.number.isRequired }
export default Counter

Pass the component to this library. It will generate reasonable props based on the defined types.

import generateProps from 'react-generate-props'
import Counter from './counter'
// => { count: 1 }

Use these default props to reduce boilerplate and prop type validation errors in your tests! 🎉


A more in-depth example.

// component.jsx

class Component extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    followers: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    user: PropTypes.shape({
      loggedIn: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
      name: PropTypes.string.isRequired

  render() {
      {this.props.user.loggedIn && <p>Hello, {this.props.user.name}.</p>}

export default Component
// component-test.js

import generateProps from 'react-generate-props'
import Component from './component.jsx'

const props = generateProps(Component)
assertEqual(props, { title: 'string', followers: 1, user: { loggedIn: true, name: 'string' } })

render(<Component {...props}/>)


  <p>Hello, string</p>



The library takes two arguments.

generateProps(schema, opts)

schema: An Object, Function, or Class containing a PropTypes definition. All of the following are valid:

Plain Object

const Counter = { count: PropTypes.number.isRequired }

Plain Object with a propTypes key

const Counter = { propTypes: { count: PropTypes.number.isRequired } }

Functional Component

const Counter = ({ counter }) => {/* ... */}
Counter.propTypes = { count: PropTypes.number.isRequired }

React.Component Class

class Counter extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = { count: PropTypes.number.isRequired }

In each of these cases, the effect would be the same

// => { count: 1 }

opts: An Object which may contain the following:

  required: true,
  // default: true. When true, props marked as .isRequired will be generated.
  optional: false,
  // default: false. When true, props *not* marked as .isRequired will be generated.
  generators: {
    // Can be used to override this lib's default generators.
    // Each key is a prop type, each value is a function, 
    // each function receives its definition's arguments.
    bool: () => false,
    function: () => spy(),
    instanceOf: (klass) => new klass(),
    oneOf: (values) => values[values.length - 1]

One More Example

const propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  loggedIn: PropTypes.bool,
  userType: PropTypes.oneOf(['admin', 'user']).isRequired

// => { name: 'string', userType: 'admin' }

generateProps(propTypes, { optional: true })
// => { name: 'string', loggedIn: true, userType: 'admin' }

generateProps(propTypes, { 
  optional: true,
  generators: { 
    string: () => 'Alice',
    bool: () => false,
    oneOf: (values) => values[values.length - 1]
// => { name: 'Alice', loggedIn: false, userType: 'user' }