My goal with this project is to create a web interface using Flask for controlling vector, displaying information, and organizing (and possibly scheduling) sdk programs to run. My inspiration for this project comes from which is a web interface for controlling my 3d printer.
Please feel free to contribute.
- make sure git is installed on your machine
- (recommended) create a virtual environment
- (recommended) navigate to your virtual environment.
- Install the SDK as per the directions in the SDK docs
- In a terminal, enter:
git clone
pip3 install flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-bcrypt flask-login flask-wtf flask-bootstrap
- navigate to the VectorCloud folder, make sure is executable and enter: On Linux or Mac:
On Windows:
- Open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000
- to stop the server press ctrl+c in the terminal
- view information exposed by Vector on a webpage - battery level, ip, name, and much more!
- Install and manage applications for Vector by installing a VectorCloud package or uploading a script
- Install sample applications from an App Store
- export installed applications as packages
- Remote control Vector from the interface
- Stage and send SDK commands from a form on the home page
- Create, edit and delete a user login
- Customizable login message
- update system
- create more store apps
- fix bugs
- develop RESTFUL API
- add network state and pose to status
- set up uWSGI, or some other production server
- create a Raspberry Pi image - once someone figures out how to run the sdk on it.
- plugin manager
- manage photos and videos
- learn the 'events' module and integrate it in some way