Git Cheat Sheet

Components of Cassandra

Clone the existing repositoty

git clone <CLONE_URL>

# Example
git clone

Init the local git

git init

Local Changes

Changed files in your working repo
git status
Chnages in tracked files
git status
Add all current changes
git add --all


git add .
commit all local changes in tracked files
git commit -am "my commit message"

a- all

m- message

Commit History

Show all commits, starting with the newest
git log
Commit history of specific file
git log -p <file_name>

git log -p
Commit hitory by user
git blame <file_name>

git blame


List all local brnahces
git branch
List all local and remote brnahces
git branch -av
Switch to existing branch
git checkout <branch_name>

# Example
git checkout jinnabalu/testBranchName
Create a new branch
git checkout -b <brach_name>

# Example
git checkout -b jinnabalu/myNewBranchName
Delete local branch
git branch -d <branch_name>

# Example
git branch -d jinnabalu/myNewBranchName

## Force delete if not merged
git branch -D jinnabalu/myNewBranchName
Delete remote/origin branch
git push origin --delete <branch_name>

# Example
git push origin --delete jinnabalu/myNewBranchName

Pull and Push

Get latest from remote

pull: gets latest pushed by someone to the branch

git pull
Push local changes

push: push local cahnges to the remote branch

git push -u origin <branch_name>

# Example
git push -u origin jinnabalu/myNewBranchName


Merging changes from feature_branch to develop

  1. Get latest from develop and merge to feature_branch
git checkout develop

git pull

git checkout feature_branch 

git merge --no-ff origin develop

Note : To be safe from conflict with develop(GOOD PRACTICE), we will resolve in feature_branch

  1. Merge feature_branch to develop
git checkout develop 

git merge --no-ff origin feature_branch 


  1. Soft Reset
git reset <commit_hash> --soft
  1. Mixed Reset
git reset <commit_hash>


git reset <commit_hash> --mixed
  1. Hard Reset
git reset <commit_hash> --hard


revert: inverse the changes from history and create a new commit

git revert <commit-hash>


rebase: re-write history commits in a different place

git rebase <commit-hash>

Git for Project Lead/Manager

  1. Get count of branches
git branch -a | wc -l
  1. Get the commits from individual
git shortlog -s -n --all


git shortlog -s -n
  1. Get count the commits for the branch we are in
git rev-list --count HEAD


git log --pretty=oneline | wc -l


git rev-list --count <BRANCH_NAME>
  1. List of branches
git branch -a