
Free to use methlab made with QBCore

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Free to use methlab made with QBCore

Do not repost with permission.

Contact 90zPeaky#1990 if you have any problems.

This resource is getting updated often so don't be afraid to dm me if you ever need help with anything releated to the resource.

Installation Manual: Simply download the resource and put the folder into your [qb].

Put the items under into your /qb-core/shared.lua - /qb-core/shared/items.lua.

And there your all good to go, I recommend setting your own locations in the config.lua.

["blue_meth"]                      = {["name"] = "blue_meth",                         ["label"] = "blue_meth",                 ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "blue_meth.png",             ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},

["hydrochloric.png"]              = {["name"] = "hydrochloric.png",                   ["label"] = "hydrochloric.png",         ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "hydrochloric.png",         ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},

["hydrochloric_bottle"]          = {["name"] = "hydrochloric_bottle",                         ["label"] = "hydrochloric_bottle.png",     ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "hydrochloric_bottle.png",  ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},

["sodiumhydroxide"]              = {["name"] = "sodiumhydroxide",                   ["label"] = "sodiumhydroxide",             ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "sodiumhydroxide.png",         ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},

["sulfuricacid"]                  = {["name"] = "sulfuricacid",                         ["label"] = "sulfuricacid",             ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "sulfuricacid.png",         ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},

["sulfuricacid_bottle"]          = {["name"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle",             ["label"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle",         ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle.png",     ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},
["hydrochloric_bottle"]          = {["name"] = "hydrochloric_bottle",             ["label"] = "hydrochloric_bottle",         ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle.png",     ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},

["sulfuricacid_bottle"]          = {["name"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle",             ["label"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle",         ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",         ["image"] = "sulfuricacid_bottle.png",     ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "To get happy real fast."},