
:battery: 3rd party libraries that are needed to run Nextcloud

Primary LanguagePHP


Some 3rd party libraries that are necessary to run Nextcloud.

Dependency Status

Updating libraries manually

  1. Make sure to use the latest version of composer: composer self-update
  2. Edit composer.json and adjust the version of the library to the one to update to. Pay attention to use the full version number (i.e. ^5.3.14).
  3. Run composer update thevendor/thelib (replace accordingly)
  4. Delete all installed dependencies with rm -rf ./*/
  5. Run composer install --no-dev
  6. Run git clean -X -d -f
  7. Run composer dump-autoload
  8. Commit all changes onto a new branch
  9. You might need the following command for pushing if used as submodule: git push git@github.com:nextcloud/3rdparty.git branchname

Testing your PR with server

  1. On https://github.com/nextcloud/server make a new branch 3rdparty/my-dependency
  2. Navigate into the 3rdparty directory
  3. Checkout the commit sha of the last commit of your PR in the 3rdparty repository
  4. Leave the directory
  5. Add the change to the stash
  6. Commit (with sign-off and message)
  7. Push the branch and send a PR
  8. ⏳ Wait for CI and reviews
  9. Navigate into the 3rdparty directory
  10. Checkout the commit sha of the merge commit of your PR in the 3rdparty repository
  11. Leave the directory
  12. Add the change to the stash
  13. Amend to the previous dependency bump
  14. Push with lease force
  15. ⏳ Wait for CI
  16. Merge 🎉
cd 3rdparty
git checkout 16cd747ebb8ab4d746193416aa2448c8114d5084
cd ..
git add 3rdparty
git commit
git push origin 3rdparty/my-dependency

# Wait for CI and reviews

cd 3rdparty
git checkout 54b63cc87af3ddb0ddfa331f20ecba5fcc01d495
cd ..
git add 3rdparty
git commit --amend
git push --force-with-lease origin 3rdparty/my-dependency