Kalaha Game Assignment

This is an implementation of the game Kalaha to be played against an AI.

How to Play

  1. Navigate to the game directory.
       cd kalaha-assignment
  2. Execute main.py file to run the game
      python main.py
  3. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to play the game


This project requires Python3. Please ensure that pyhton3 is installed in the system, no additional libraries are needed to run the game.


  • main.py: Entry point for the Kalaha game. Run this file to start playing the game.
  • board.py: Contains the implementation of the Kalaha board class, representing the game state.
  • minimax.py: Provides the implementation of the AI player using the Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning for decision-making.
  • tree.py: Implements the tree data structure used by the Minimax algorithm for exploring game states.
  • evaluation_functions.py: Includes evaluation functions used by the AI player to assess the desirability of different game states.


This game has been implemented by Group 39 as a board game assignment for the course Introduction to AI 02180.