
License: IPL 1.0 JavaScript React


This is a personal portfolio website to showcase my work and skills.

Table of Contents


The website built with React using hooks.


  • Responsive design for desktop and mobile devices
  • Home page with a brief introduction and links to social media profiles and Skills section with a list of technologies and tools that I am proficient in
  • Projects page with descriptions, images, and links to live demos and source code repositories
  • Contact page with a form to send me a message

Built With

  • React
  • React Router
  • React Hooks
  • yup

for live website click here[https://asher-beck-portfolio.vercel.app/]


  • Home click on the tabs in the navigation to go to contacts and projects. click on the icons to navigate to my linkedin,gitHub,send me an email or give me a call. Home

  • Projects

Click on the project icon to get more information. Projects

  • Contact

To get in touch fill the form and submit. You will get a confirmation message if it was successful.



  • yup-used for validation
  • react-icons-used for icons
  • EmailJS-to sent message to email.


ISC License (ISC)