
Generate placement images for your website through various placeholder services.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Generate placement image for your website through many different placeholder services.

Getting Started

Pikit works by inserting an image into a container that you have already created. For this example, we are going to insert a placeholder image into each of the child divs of the .pikit-container:

<div class="pikit-container">
.pikit-container div {
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;

This will result in the following:

<div class="pikit-container">
  <div style="height: 200px; width: 200px;"><img class="pikit" src="http://placedog.com/200/200"></div>
  <div style="height: 200px; width: 200px;"><img class="pikit" src="http://placebox.es/200/200"></div>
  <div style="height: 200px; width: 200px;"><img class="pikit" src="http://dummyimages.com/200x200"></div>

Note that the image will receive the same height/width dimensions as its parent container. It will also insert those dimensions directly into the parent containers inline style, the reasoning for this is in case you set a specific or random height then you will want the parent to be adjusted as well.

Another thing to note is that when no options are passed to pikit then it will use a random placeholder service by default.

Pikit Options

All of these are the default options.

  service: 'random',

  // Formatting
  height: null,
  width: null,
  format: null,
  sizeKeyword: null,

  // Colors
  greyscale: false,
  backColor: null,
  foreColor: null,

  // Customize
  customText: null,

  // Specify
  category: null,
  variant: null
Option Description Type Acceptable Values Default
service Specify the placeholder service used. Check out the services table below to see how to reference different services. String Any Pikit reference to a service, such as 'fpoimg' or 'placekitten' 'random'
height Set the height of the image Integer or Array Any integer above 1, or pass an array to get a random number between to endpoints such as [200, 400]. Leaving it at the default null will automatically get the height of the parent container. null
width Set the width of the image Integer or Array Any integer above 1, or pass an array to get a random number between to endpoints such as [200, 400]. Leaving it at the default null will automatically get the width of the parent container. null
format Set the format of the image String It depends on the website, usually it is 'jpg' or 'png', etc null
sizeKeyword Set the dimensions of the image based on a textual description String It depends on the website. For now only the DummyImage service supports it, and an example is 'skyscraper' null
greyscale Should the image be in black and white? Boolean True / False false
backColor If the service is generating an image on the fly, specify the background color. HEX code without # OR 'random', 'pastel', 'dark' 000000, 9900FF, etc null
foreColor If the service is generating an image on the fly, specify the foreground color (usually the text color). HEX code without # OR 'random', 'pastel', 'dark' 000000, 9900FF, etc null
customText If the service is generating an image on the fly, specify the custom text to be inserted into it. String Any string will do! null
category Some services let you specify a category of images. String Depends on the service. Check out their websites. null
variant Some services let you specify a variant which changes the image even if its in the same category. Integer Any integer >= 1 null


Name Website Pikit Reference Available Attributes
DummyImage http://dummyimage.com/ dummyimage backColor, foreColor, format, customText, sizeKeyword
DummyImages http://dummyimages.com/ dummyimages backColor, foreColor, format, customText
FPOImg http://fpoimg.com/ fpoimg customText
Instasrc http://instasrc.com/ instasrc greyscale
Ipsum Image http://www.ipsumimage.com/ ipsumimage backColor, foreColor, format, customText
Lorem Pixel http://lorempixel.com/ lorempixel category, greyscale, variant
Nosrc http://nosrc.net/ nosrc none
Placeboxes http://placebox.es/ placeboxes backColor, foreColor, customText
Place Dog http://placedog.com/ placedog greyscale
Placeholdit http://placehold.it/ placeholdit backColor, foreColor, format, customText
Placeholdus http://placehold.us/ placeholdus none
PlaceKitten http://placekitten.com/ placekitten greyscale
PlacePuppy http://placepuppy.it/ placepuppy none
PlaceSheen http://placesheen.com/ placesheen none
PlaceZombies http://placezombies.com/ placezombies greyscale
NiceNiceJpg http://nicenicejpg.com/ nicenicejpg none