
To use the code provided:

Step 1: Create an account in Microsoft Azure.

Step 2: Select a subscription.

Step 3: Create a Resource Group.

Step 4: Add/Create Face API from services with the resource group name created in step 3, choose free pricing tier.

Step 5: After the deployment of the Face API, go to the resource and click onto "Keys and Endpoints" from the left side panel.

Step 6: Copy the key1 and endpoint, replace them in "SUBSCRIPTION_KEY" and "ENDPOINT" variables in the code.

Step 7: Change the variables files, image_filepath, path and img_name as per your requirements.

Step 8: Run the program like any other python code without any parameters.

Note: Required libraries needed to be installed in anaconda. Requirements: opencv, matplotlib, requests, pprint, os, random, uuid, time, glob and PIL