Cypress IO demo framework built over Youtube videos to teach the framework basics to anyone interested in this technology.
We reviewed topics like:
Mocha Structure
Mocha Hooks
Retry Ability
Cy.Request(For API testing)
Write and Read a file.
Page Object Model
Browser, Arch, and DOM commands.
Location Methods(URL Validation)
Cy.Intercept(To mock and stub APIs)
Data Driven Testing
Cypress Studio Review
Cypress Custom Commands
Cypress Assertions
Cypress variables and aliases.
Plugins: Browserstack, Mochawesome Reporter, Cypress Grep, Xpath
Dockerfile added.
Jenkinsfile added.
Github Actions & Gitlab CI/CD yml files.
Typescript Configuration
Visual Testing with Applitools
Before you use this project you only need to have Node Js installed in your computer.
Install project dependencies with: npm i