
Rooms is a MERN stack hotel booking application. Elevate your travel experience with Rooms application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rooms - Elevate Your Travel Experience with Rooms Application

Key Features:

  • Location-Based Search: Users can effortlessly discover hotels in their desired city, ensuring convenience in travel planning.
  • Advanced Filters: Refine your hotel search by specifying check-in/check-out dates, room preferences, and budget constraints for a tailored experience.
  • Immersive Image Slider: Explore hotels in vivid detail through dynamic image sliders, giving you a glimpse of your upcoming stay.
  • Robust Admin Dashboard: Administer your hotel booking platform effortlessly with our comprehensive dashboard. Manage hotels, rooms, bookings, and user accounts with ease, ensuring a smooth operation.
  • Multistep user registration Form.
  • Client-side and Server-side validation.


  • Front-end: Next.js, React, JavaScript, SASS, CSS3, HTML5, SwiperJs, Sweetalert2, Cloudinary.
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express.js MongoDB, JWT.
  • Admin-dashboard: React, Material UI, SASS, CSS3, Recharts, Sweetalert2, Cloudinary.


Live Link:

👉 Project: https://rooms.vercel.app

👉 Admin Dashboard: https://rooms-dashboard.vercel.app/ (email="admin0@gmail.com", password="admin@0")


Demo Showcase


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Admin Dashboard

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