
Small scripts to easily produce continuous wavelet transforms with Python

Primary LanguagePython

Small scripts to compute Continuous Wavelet Transform

Transformed Signal


You need numpy, scipy, matplotlib, stl_tools, pickle, and PyWavelets. You can install them like this:

sudo pip3 install scipy numpy matplotlib pickle stl_tools PyWavelets

The scripts are designed to be used on linux system with python 3, but you can change that with minimal effort if needed (or open an issue).


The script make_cwt.py loads the signal and computes the transform. It can be used like this:

python3 make_cwt.py paras.py

You need to edit paras.py to give the path to the initial signal and set various options. You can directly use the script without argument (python3 make_cwt.py), in which case it will always use the file paras.py by default. The script can save the results in a pickle of numpy arrays for later use, as well as an .stl file. It can also produce a heatmap plot. Read the paras.py for more information. This plot can also be later generated using the other script:

python3 plot_cwt.py paras.py

Once again, you can omit the argument and the script will look for paras.py.