You can find most of the data structures programs implemented in C
- Implement a doubly linked list in C
- Write a C program to evaluate a post fix expression
- Write a C program to convert an infix expression to postfix expression
- Implement a C program to represent Polynomial using Linked List
- Implement a C program to represent Polynomial Sum using Linked List
- Polynomial Representaion using Arrays
- Sparse matrix representaion in C and Operations on Normal form
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Heap Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
Linked List
- Linked List implementation in C
- Polynomial representation in Linked list
- Reverse a LinkedList
- Stack using arrays
- Stack using Linked List
- Convert infix expression to postfix expression
- Evaluate postfix expression
- Reverse a stack using recursion
- Implement a queue using arrays
- Circular Queue using arrays
- Priority Queue using arrays
- Dequeue using arrays
BST (Binary Search Tree)
- Create a Binary Search Tree through insertion
- Program to delete a node in BST
Binary Tree
- Inorder, Preorder and Postorder tree traversal in C
- Create a Binary Tree Through level wise input
- Insertion and Deletion of node in Binary Tree
- Implement a graph data structure in C using Node list and Adjacency List also represent the graph in an Adjacency Matrix
- BFS implemention (Breadth First Search) in Graph
- DFS implemention (Depth First Search) in Graph
File Handling
- Implement a file handling program in C
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