
Primary LanguageJavaScript


The purpose of this proposal is to present a plan for a collaborative effort to build an open-source project that involves: creating a blog website from scratch using the MERN stack. The MERN stack is a powerful and versatile toolset that combines MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. By working on this project, we aim to enhance our skills and understanding of these technologies while also contributing to the open-source community.

Project Scope:

The project will involve cloning the Blog website using the MERN stack, starting with a simple layout and gradually adding features and functionality The project will be divided into several milestones, each focused on a particular aspect of the website. We will work on each milestone sequentially, with each milestone building on the previous one.

The milestones are as follows:

  1. Basic website layout: In this milestone, we will build a simple website layout using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We will also set up the development environment by installing and configuring the required tools and dependencies.
  2. Backend development: In this milestone, we will build the backend of the website using Node.js and Express.js. We will also integrate the backend with the MongoDB database and create RESTful APIs for data retrieval and storage.
  3. Frontend development: In this milestone, we will build the frontend of the website using React. We will use Redux for state management and implement features such as user authentication, search functionality, and social media integration.
  4. Optimization and testing: In this milestone, we will optimize the website for performance and conduct rigorous testing to ensure that the website works as intended.

Collaboration Approach:

The project will be open to anyone who is interested in contributing, regardless of their level of expertise. We will use GitHub to manage the project and track issues and milestones. We will also use Slack for communication and coordination.

The collaboration approach will involve learning by doing, where we apply concepts as we learn them. Each milestone will involve a learning component, where we will study the relevant concepts and technologies before applying them in the project. We will also encourage participants to share their knowledge and experiences with others in the project.


Building an open-source project that involves cloning and improving the TechCrunch website from scratch using the MERN stack will be a valuable learning experience for all participants. By working collaboratively, we can enhance our skills and understanding of these technologies while also contributing to the open-source community. We look forward to working with anyone who is interested in joining this project.