Library Management System

This project allows users to perform basic operations such as adding books, borrowing books, returning books, and viewing available books.


  • Java 17: Ensure that Java 17 or later installed on your machine.
  • Gradle 7.2: If you don't have gradle installed still it will work as we are using Gradle Wrapper.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd LibraryManagement
  2. Build the Project:

    Use Gradle to build the project. This will also download any necessary dependencies.

    ./gradlew build

Running Tests

The project uses JUnit 5 for unit testing. To run the tests, use the following command:

./gradlew test

Running Application

The project can run via console, use the following command:

./gradlew runInteractive

you can use your console for user Input and use functionality of this Application

Test Cases

Here are the test cases covered in this KATA:

Book Class Tests

  1. Test_BookCreation:

  2. Test_SetAvailable:

All Tests Passed for Book

LibraryManagement Class Tests

  1. Test_Adding_Book:

  2. Test_Adding_Duplicate_Book:

  3. Test_Borrowing_Book:

  4. Test_Borrowing_Unavailable_Book:

  5. Test_Returning_Book:

  6. Test_Returning_NonBorrowed_Book:

  7. Test_ViewAvailableBooks:

All Tests Passed for LibraryManagement