

  • Node and npm
  • $npm install (to install dependencies)
  • Set values of environment variables in .env file.
  • $npm start (to start/ run server)

Also create a .env file with these details:

  • MongoURL="Your MongoDB Cluster URL"
  • PORT=3000
  • JwtSecretKey="secret key for jwt token creation and verification"
  • SendGridApiKey="Your SendGrid API Key"
  • MailSender="'SenderName' "


  • Pass Authorization header value as: "Bearer JwtToken"

Auth Routes


  • Req: POST
  • To signup as a new user.
  • Req Body Input: name, email and password


  • Req: POST
  • To login as an existing user.
  • Req Body Input: email and password


  • Req: POST
  • TO logout as an existing user.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization

Admin Routes


  • Req: GET
  • To get OTP mail to get verified as an admin.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization


  • Req: POST
  • To verify received OTP to get verified as an admin.
  • Req Body Input: otp
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization

You have to be verified to access the two admin routes below.


  • Req: GET
  • To get all transactions that have happened on wallet.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization


  • Req: GET
  • To get details of a particular transaction.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization
  • Req Params Required: transactionId

Transaction Routes


  • Req: POST
  • To send a transaction to another user.
  • Req Body Input: receiverEmail, transferAmount
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization

User Routes


  • Req: GET
  • To get own details.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization


  • Req: GET
  • To get own balance.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization


  • Req: GET
  • To get own transactions.
  • HeaderRequired: Authorization