
The React project created with Webpack and ready for production deployment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack setup for production and development environments

The React project created with Webpack and ready for production deployment

Things learnt and implemented

  • To use import statements instead of require, you need to configure the resolve property in your webpack file and add the file extensions for the required modules. Furthermore, you should use the Babel loader to transpile your ES6 and React code to ES5, which will allow your code to be compatible with older browsers."
  • to load css , images we should have a seperate loaders.
  • We need to use HtmlWebpackPlugin to dynamically add the js that is generated via the build script to html file , to dynamically update the script in index.html we should provide the html template
  • to make the env variable to we available for the application we need use dotenv and in the webpack config provide the profer path to the env file require("dotenv").config({ path: "./.env.prod", }); also we need to define a plugin new webpack.DefinePlugin({ "process.env": JSON.stringify(process.env), }),
  • To avoid importing a library repeatedly in every module, you can configure a provider plugin in your webpack configuration. This plugin ensures that the library is imported automatically by default. new webpack.ProvidePlugin({React: "react",}),
  • For production we should hide the sourcemap as keeping it open will make the actul code visible and readable in the chrome sources tab devtool: "hidden-source-map",
  • add approiate script setup in package.json eg: "build": "webpack --config webpack.prod.js && yarn post-build",
  • add the proper persets in babelrc.file eg: { "presets": ["@babel/preset-env","@babel/preset-react"] }
  • have different webpack.config files for production and dev and any other environments

Concepts Implemented

  • progressive image
  • lazy loading
  • bundle splitting (js)
  • css and js minification
  • DPR (Device Pixel Ratio) related changes and updates.

Docker and nginx setup

  • docker setup for development
  • docker setup for producion
  • docker compose
  • nginx to serve bundle has been added

To build the image : run docker build -t imagename currentAppName

To run container: run docker run -p --name newNameofContainer deviceport:containerport imageId|imageName

example : docker run --name myapp -p 3000:3000 554934454

prod built url :prod app

dev build url : dev app