
This project contains a Node.js script that processes .vcf (vCard) files from a specified folder and extracts the contact information such as full name and phone numbers. The extracted data is then written to a CSV file with columns for full names and phone numbers.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

vCard to CSV Converter


This project contains a Node.js script that processes .vcf (vCard) files from a specified folder and extracts the contact information such as full name and phone numbers. The extracted data is then written to a CSV file with columns for full names and phone numbers.


  • Extracts full names and phone numbers from .vcf files.
  • Supports multiple .vcf files within a specified folder.
  • Outputs data to a CSV file with three columns: Full Name, Phone Number, and Alternative Phone Number.


This script uses the following npm packages:

  • fs: Node.js built-in package for file system operations.
  • path: Node.js built-in package for handling file paths.
  • vcard-parser: Parses .vcf files into a readable JavaScript object format.
  • csv-writer: Utility for writing data to CSV files.


  1. Clone the repository or copy the script into your project folder.

  2. Install the required npm packages by running:

    npm install vcard-parser csv-writer
  3. Make sure Node.js is installed in your environment. You can verify this by running:

    node -v


Steps to use the script:

  1. Specify the folder containing .vcf files: Update the folderPath variable with the path to the folder where your .vcf files are stored. For example:

    const folderPath = '/Users/ashish/Documents/Contacts';
  2. Specify the output CSV file path: Update the outputCsvPath variable with the desired output location for the CSV file. For example:

    const outputCsvPath = '/Users/ashish/Documents/output.csv';
  3. Run the script:

    After making these changes, you can run the script using Node.js:

    node index.js

    The script will read all .vcf files in the specified folder, extract full names and phone numbers, and save them into a CSV file at the location you specified.

CSV Output

The output CSV file will have the following columns:

  • Full Name: The contact's full name.
  • Phone Number: The primary phone number associated with the contact.
  • Alternative Phone Number: Currently not populated in this script, but included for future use if you want to add alternate phone number extraction logic.


For each .vcf file, the script logs the parsed data to the console for debugging purposes. Additionally, it will log any errors encountered during file reading or CSV writing.

Error Handling

  • If a .vcf file does not contain any valid contact information, an error message is displayed in the console, and that file is skipped.
  • If the script encounters issues while reading or writing files, the corresponding error messages are logged.


  • You can extend the script to capture more fields from the vCard such as email addresses, alternative phone numbers, or addresses by modifying the relevant sections of the parsing logic.


Example .vcf content:

FN:John Doe

This will generate the following output in the CSV file:

Full Name Phone Number Alternative Phone Number
John Doe +1234567890 N/A


This project is licensed under the MIT License.