
A laravel package to verify khalti payment.

Primary LanguagePHP

The package to verify Khalti payment.


composer require asdh/laravel-khalti

Publishing config file

To publish the config file run below command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AsDh\KhaltiServiceProvider" --tag="khalti"

This command will add khalti.php file in config directory where you can add public and secret keys.

It looks like this.


return [
     * The public key that you receive from khalti
    'public_key' => env('KHALTI_PUBLIC_KEY'),

     * The secret key that you receive from khalti
    'secret_key' => env('KHALTI_SECRET_KEY'),

     * The url that is used to verify khalti payment
    'verification_url' => env('KHALTI_VEFIRICATION_URL', 'https://khalti.com/api/v2/payment/verify/')



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use AsDh\Khalti;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class KhaltiVerificationController extends Controller
    public function verify(Request $request, Khalti $khalti)
            ->withAmount((int) $request->amount)

        if($khalti->hasError()) {
            $errorMessage = $khalti->errorMessage();

            // perform your action
            return $errorMessage;

        // The payment is verified
        // perform your action
        return $khalti->response();

The amount must be in paisa. The token is what you get from Khalti after successful payment.

Instead of checking if it has any errors, you can also check if the payment is verified like so.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use AsDh\Khalti;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class KhaltiVerificationController extends Controller
    public function verify(Request $request, Khalti $khalti)
            ->withAmount((int) $request->amount)

        if($khalti->isVerified()) {
            $response = $khalti->response();

            // perform your action
            return $response;

        // The payment is not verified
        // perform your action
        return $khalti->errorMessage();

There is a statusCode method to get the status code from the Khalti's response.


If there is any issue with the package, please create an issue. I would be happy to solve it.