
Build REST API's with

  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs

Data Stored in MongoDB

Steps of starting Backend

  1. Run npm run start on terminal
  2. You will get URL like this http://localhost:7878 server running on port number 7878


1. Signup

Signup :- http://localhost:7878/auth/signup

Email and password saved in the mongodb, password stored in hashed formate.

  "email": "demo@gmail.com",
  "password": "demo"

2. Login

Login :- http://localhost:7878/auth/login

After giving right credential system provided two different token

  1. Access Token: which has expired time round 3 min
  2. Refresh Token: which has expired time round 5 min, by this token we can refresh or create new access token for our app.
  "email": "demo@gmail.com",
  "password": "demo"
  1. Refresh

Login :- http://localhost:7878/auth/refresh

With the help of this url system will verify token expired date and after verify system generate new token.

  1. Access Token: which has expired time round 3 min
  2. Refresh Token: which has expired time round 5 min, by this token we can refresh or create new access token for our app.
//accept this in headers authorization_refresh
const refreshToken = req.headers["authorization_refresh"];
  1. Logout

Login :- http://localhost:7878/auth/logout

With the help of this url system will logout and access_token and refresh_token stored under backlist data base

  1. Access Token: which has expired time round 3 min
  2. Refresh Token: which has expired time round 5 min, by this token we can refresh or create new access token for our app.
//accept this in headers authorization_refresh &authorization_access
const access_token = req.headers["authorization_access"];
const refresh_token = req.headers["authorization_refresh"];
// console.log('token:', token)
const tokenPushAccess = new blacklistModel({
  blackListItem: access_token,
await tokenPushAccess.save();
const tokenPushRefresh = new blacklistModel({
  blackListItem: refresh_token,
await tokenPushRefresh.save();
  1. Verify

Login :- http://localhost:7878/auth/verify

By this url user can get details from token

//accept body as token
const { token } = req.body;

// then with the help of jwt.verify getting all details under jwt token
const verification = jwt.verify(token, "XXXXXXXX_XX");
  1. page

By this url when user move from one page to other and during that period if user access_token get expired on that time this url help to notified user

  • It has middleware (i.e. middleWareAuth) where they verify token expiry and notified to users and base on that this url will run http://localhost:7878/auth/refresh and get new token and set new token in headers