
Project frontend build with ReactJs and backend build with NodeJs, express , mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deployed Link

  1. Backend Link - https://tough-lamb-tutu.cyclic.app/
  2. Frontend Link - https://coin-tab-front-end.vercel.app/

# coinTab_FrontEnd

Build with


  • Home Page
  • User Details Page

Project as

  • Frontend

  • Backend

🧑🏻 Ashish Kohad

** Tech Stacks used **

  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Redux
  • NextJs
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB

External libraries used

  • Chakra UI
  • React Router DOM
  • React Redux
  • Redux Thunk
  • Axios

FontEnd Side

Home Page

Alt text

Delete User Functionality

Alt text

User Details Page

Alt text

Filter functionality

Alt text


Alt text

Backend Side

Build REST API's with

  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs

Data Stored in MongoDB

Steps of starting Backend

  1. Run npm run start on terminal
  2. You will get URL like this http://localhost:7879 server running on port number 7879


1. Get Data

getUrl :- http://localhost:7879/data/filter

Data can able to filter , sorted, paginated with this methods

  • We can use filter, sort, pagination, search together

list of filter

  1. Filter by Age
  • range ageL : above that limit
  • range ageR : below that limit
  • both should use together
  1. Filter by Country
  1. Filter by Gender gender= male/female/""


  1. Sort Data base on Nama
  • Ascending order (asc)
  • Descending order (desc)


  1. page (1 by default)
  2. limit (10 by default)
  • Prev Button
  • Next Button
  • Land any Page directly by clicking on particular page Number

Search Functionality

  • Search any user by typing character in query

2. Add Data

  • Adding data done with this api
  • Bulk Data added in the data base in the range of 50 to 100 every time data added it give diff. data length in the range of 50 to 100.

3. Delete Data