Drupal 8 Starterkit

This starterkit is based on php-fpm and apache. The default php version is 7.3 which is configurable. Refer Configurations section for further details.


All the configurations are managed via environment variables, some of mostly used environment variables are documented in the table below.

Configuring project:

Parameter File Variable Default
PHP version .env PHP_VERSION 7.3
Project name .env PROJECT_NAME drupal8


Due to an issue as of now PHP_VERSION has to be updated in Tiltfile as well.

Configuring Runtime:

These values can be configure using .env file
Variable Default Parameter
DOC_ROOT /app/web Drupal root (docroot)
PHP_HOST localhost Host/Service name where php-fpm is running
PHP_FPM_PORT 9000 The port at which php-fpm is listing
PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN 20 The maximum number of child processes to be created
PHP_FPM_START_SERVERS 2 The number of child processes created on startup
PHP_FPM_MIN_SPARE_SERVERS 2 The desired minimum number of idle server processes
PHP_FPM_MAX_SPARE_SERVERS 10 The desired maximum number of idle server processes
PHP_FPM_MAX_REQUESTS 500 The number of requests each child process should execute before respawning
PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT 128 PHP memory limit per script
PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME 180 PHP max execution time
XDEBUG_REMOTE_PORT 9001 Port on IDE is listing
NEW_RELIC_ENABLED false Enable newrelic
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME '' Application name from newrelic website
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY '' Newrelic license key

Setting up drupal site

On non linux platform performance is a big challenge with drupal sites. To mitigate this issue, installation process of starterkits is divided into two steps given below.

docker-compose run --rm cli composer install
vega up

You can install profile via web browser but it is recommended to do it using drush. Run below command to install profile.

docker-compose run --rm drupal drush site:install PROFILE_NAME --account-name USERNAME --account-mail EMAIL --account-pass PASSWORD --site-name SITE_NAME --site-mail SITE_EMAIL -y

Replace the PROFILE_NAME, USERNAME, EMAIL, PASSWORD, SITE_NAME & SITE_EMAIL with actuals in previous command.

@NOTE: For performance improvement we have used live update feature of tilt. In result of which we got one or two extra tags of existing image created by tilt to perform live update of code changes in host. In virtue of that, after doing vega down these extra tags needs to be cleaned up. For cleanup run below command in terminal

 docker image rm -f $(docker image ls -q --filter "label=builtby=tilt")

Installing modules

docker-compose run --rm cli composer require drush/drush=^9.2

recommended alias:

alias dcomposer="docker-compose run --rm cli composer"

Running drush commands

docker-compose run --rm drupal drush cr

recommended alias:

alias ddrush="docker-compose run --rm drupal drush"


  On Linux OS, during composer install cli service throws
  a permission denied error while installing dependencies.

  Run the cli service with root user and run chown service after to change the ownership.
  This will prevent the error throws during the composer install.


All the starterkits in vega are shipped with blackfire for code profiling. This is also available on the dev images and is not added to production images.

  • Get your blackfire server id and token from https://blackfire.io/my/settings/credentials

  • Configure the blackfire server id and token in .env file.

    Parameter File Variable
    Blackfire Server Id .env BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID
    Blackfire Server Token .env BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN
  • Uncomment blackfire service in docker-compose.yml.

  • Run vega up.

  • Install blackfire agent extension in your browser.

  • Click on the extension on your browser and profile your application.


Follow the document to setup xdebug: Setup Xdebug


This starterkit ships with mailhog which can be accessed at localhost:8025. This can be a handy feature to test email functionality on local systems without worrying about sending mails accidently to real users. Mailhog is only available on dev images which are used for local development and not available on production images.