Designing Stack Overflow


  1. Users should be able to register, log in, and log out of the system.
  2. Users can post questions, answer questions, and comment on questions and answers.
  3. Questions should have tags associated with them for categorization and easy searching.
  4. Users can vote on questions and answers to indicate their relevance and quality.
  5. The system should have a reputation system based on user activity and the quality of their contributions.
  6. Users can search for questions based on keywords, tags, or user profiles.
  7. The system should handle concurrent access and ensure data consistency.

C++ Implementation

  1. The User class represents a user of the Stack Overflow system, with properties such as ID, username, password, email, and reputation.
  2. The Question class represents a question posted by a user, with properties such as ID, title, body, author, answers, comments, tags, and vote count.
  3. The Answer class represents an answer to a question, with properties such as ID, body, author, associated question, comments, and vote count.
  4. The Comment class represents a comment on a question or an answer, with properties such as ID, text, author, and creation timestamp.
  5. The Tag class represents a tag associated with a question, with properties such as ID and name.
  6. The StackOverflowSystem class is the main class that manages the Stack Overflow system. It follows the Singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of the system exists.
  7. The StackOverflow class provides methods for user registration, login, posting questions, answers, and comments, voting on questions and answers, searching for questions, and retrieving questions by tags and users.
  8. Multi-threading is implemented using thread header and mutex to ensure thread safety when updating shared data, such as vote counts and user reputations.
  9. The StackOverflowDemo class demonstrates the usage of the Stack Overflow system by registering users, logging in, posting questions and answers, voting, searching for questions, and retrieving questions by tags and users.