A basic UNIX shell written in Python.
Originally a class assignment, it was fun enough for me to fork and expand it after the semester ended!
- Customizable PS1 variable
- Currently only supports showing the username, machine name, and current directory.
- Pipes (e.g.
cat myfile.txt | tee copy.txt | wc
) - PATH support - All installed binaries should work out of the box!
- Local binaries can be used by adding a
to the beginning of their name.
- Local binaries can be used by adding a
- I/O redirection (e.g.
tar c < myfile > archive.tar
)- This can also be combined with pipes!
- Background tasks: just add a
at the end of your command.
- Make sure you have Python installed.
python ./main.py
- Uses the following POSIX calls:
and friendswait()
Credits to Eric Freudenthal, professor at the University of Texas at El Paso, for the assignment idea and part of the implementation.