
A Multivendor online shop completely dockerized

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Introduction: Online shop restful backend

Technologies used: Django, django_rest_framework, Docker, Nginx.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to create an online shop backend that provides users with necessary features like product listings, cart management, order tracking and delivery system for costumers.

Setup and Run the Project


  • Docker should be installed and running on your machine.


  1. Clone the project from the GitHub repository.
  1. Move into the project directory and run "docker-compose up" to start the project.

  2. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8000/ to view the app api's.

Project Structure

The project starts with the following folders: django folder contains the backend configuration and codes for different type of backend apps such as:


that includes user model and authentication based on phone number and password.

store app

for third party person who can register a new stor inside the website.

product app

this part include product models and like category subcategory tags images for product_line.

history app

this app contains comments, rate and adding product to favorite table.

cart app

here is the cart model for the customers who can buy products.

Run The Proejct Without Docker

Explain how to get started with the project without docker and nginx, from installation to running the server.

  1. install python

  2. py -m venv venv

  3. .\venv\Scripts\activate

  4. cd ./django

  5. pip install -r req.txt

  6. py manage.py makemigrations

  7. py manage.py migrate

  8. py manage.py createsuperuser

  9. py manage.py runserver

Database Schema

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