
Iranian Plate Detection with Fast Api as backend

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This project is a plate detection for iranian number plates and uses yolo 7 with fastapi and uvicorn as a webserver.


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Detail About The Project

plate detection works pretty good with most of the car pics but I used EasyOCR for the read the plates and it's not good but im working on a persian ocr model. the project idea all comes from "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgAUHS1Adzo" Maryam Sadeghi

Get Start With Project

  1. After Clone the project create a virtual env with this command "python -m venv venv"
  2. activate it by this command ".\venv\Scripts\activate"
  3. go to the yolo7 folder "cd yolo7"
  4. install the packages "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  5. run the project "uvicorn main:app --reload"
  6. open the browser and go to this URL ""