
An angular-nodejs test project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A tentative project with NodeJs-Angular4.


A nodeJS backend application to serve the REST application.

  • We have a table of "users" in the MySQL database of "angular-test" with rows like these:
    • userId and id are separately unique.
    • password is the bcrypted hash of the passwords ("pass1", "pass2", "pass3", etc).
id userId name password
1 userId1 null $2b$10$nxlajZPYMF1M0Az9.FVpHua7f3H4UWHN0zlE3Hlp7OtNIbyyu4E7S
2 userId2 null $2b$10$NJoMFp1/j4XuDWybsJq/VeHhEk/NFVzWKQ8mOH.NyA6wNjeNgwn8e
3 userId3 null $2b$10$P9d96GL2VcjyS4S9HJ4Ik.rE.qVnoqCZ9tU6ca8t3w4y3dx65T4vW


An Angular 4 web application. For developing, after installing the dependencies by npm install , You can open the project by ng serve --open (Which watch the changes too).