
This repository contains the full set of genes for Ash1 including protein-coding and noncoding genes.

Ashkenazi Genome Annotation

This repository contains the annotation for the Ash1 genome, beginning with version 1.7 of the assembly. The annotation files include a GTF file describing all genes and transcripts, both protein-coding and noncoding.

Version 1.7

This is an initial version described in:

Shumate A, Zimin AV, Sherman RM, Puiu D, Wagner JM, Olson ND, Pertea M, Salit ML, Zook JM, Salzberg SL. Assembly and annotation of an Ashkenazi human reference genome. Genome biology. 2020 Dec;21(1):1-8.

The article is available online at https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-020-02047-7

The annotation for the version 1.7 is available at these locations:

Version 2.0

Version 2.0 sequence is a complete re-build of the chromosomes. Thus we re-computed the annotation with version 1.5.0 of the Liftoff software following the procedure described in the original publication, lifting CHESS 2.2 annotation of GRCh38 onto v2.0 of Ash1. Below is the comparison of the number of genes annotated on each chromosome (not counting genes annotated on unlocalized or alternative contigs) in the GRCh38, the original version 1.7 and the new version 2.0. Note that Ash1 reference may have more genes on the chromosomes that GRCh38 because some genes that were on unplaced contigs in GRCh38 are on the chromosome sequences in Ash1.

chromosome GRCh38 # genes v1.7 # genes v1.7 # genes same chr as GRCh38 v2.0 # genes v2.0 # genes same chr as GRCh38
chr1 4018 4009 4009 4010 4009
chr2 3019 3022 3022 3023 3022
chr3 2328 2324 2324 2328 2328
chr4 1930 1933 1933 1936 1935
chr5 2113 2117 2117 2117 2117
chr6 2280 2285 2284 2283 2283
chr7 2118 2119 2119 2125 2121
chr8 1697 1700 1700 1699 1699
chr9 1769 1765 1765 1771 1770
chr10 1792 1798 1798 1799 1798
chr11 2228 2232 2230 2229 2229
chr12 2107 2110 2110 2111 2110
chr13 1034 1031 1031 1028 1028
chr14 1308 1313 1313 1309 1309
chr15 1395 1396 1396 1399 1395
chr16 1723 1724 1723 1716 1716
chr17 2108 2109 2109 2108 2108
chr18 843 842 842 845 845
chr19 2111 2113 2113 2114 2112
chr20 1149 1162 1154 1155 1154
chr21 635 624 624 624 623
chr22 932 934 934 929 929
chrM 13 13 13 13 13
chrX 1334 1317 1317 1319 1319
chrY 184 210 210 218 216
Total 42168 42202 42190 42208 42188

The annotation for the 2.0 assembly is available here:

  • ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/data/Homo_sapiens/Ash1/v2.0/Annotation/

Version 2.2

The annotation for the 2.2 assembly is available here:

  • ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/data/Homo_sapiens/Ash1/v2.2/Annotation/