
Heroku Deployed Link https://secure-mountain-84093.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Kitchn Listr

An API to store data for a commercial kitchens for rent directory.


  • Initial ERD. This is what I would like my finished API to look like.
  • Final ERD. This represents the current prototype.



Install with bundle install.


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Install dependencies with bundle install.
  3. Create a .env for sensitive settings (touch .env).
  4. Generate new development and test secrets (bundle exec rake secret).
  5. Store them in .env with keys SECRET_KEY_BASE_<DEVELOPMENT|TEST> resepctively.
  6. Run the API server with bin/rails server or bundle exec rake server.

In order to make requests from your deployed client application, you will need to set CLIENT_ORIGIN in the environment (e.g. heroku config:set CLIENT_ORIGIN=https://<github-username>.github.io).

API End Points

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
POST /sign-up users#signup
POST /sign-in users#signin
PATCH /change-password/:id users#changepw
DELETE /sign-out/:id users#signout
POST /kitchens kitchens#create
GET /kitchens kitchens#index
GET /kitchens/:id kitchens#show
PATCH /kitchens/:id kitchens#update
DELETE /kitchens/:id kitchens#destroy
GET /userskitchen kitchens#userskitchen

User Actions

POST /sign-up

The create action expects a POST of credentials and user information identifying a new user and to create, in this case using getFormFields:

  <input name="credentials[email]" type="text" value="a@example.email">
  <input name="credentials[password]" type="password" value="an example password">
  <input name="credentials[password_confirmation]" type="password" value="an example password">


curl http://localhost:4741/sign-up \
  --include \
  --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "credentials": {
      "email": "'"${EMAIL}"'",
      "password": "'"${PASSWORD}"'",
      "password_confirmation": "'"${PASSWORD}"'"
EMAIL=A@A.com PASSWORD=Ash scripts/sign-in.sh


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "user": {
    "id": 1,
    "email": "A@A.com"

POST /sign-in


curl http://localhost:4741/sign-in \
  --include \
  --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "credentials": {
      "email": "'"${EMAIL}"'",
      "password": "'"${PASSWORD}"'"
EMAIL=A@A.com PASSWORD=Ash  scripts/sign-in.sh


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "user": {
    "id": 1,
    "email": "A@A.com",
    "token": "BAhJIiUyNjA2Y2EwYjIzYzU4OGQ5ZDdhY2YwZThlOGM2MzFhMAY6BkVG--9b4e60909025d8db3a9e3cf9fa156d0a851ba2e4"

PATCH /change-password/:id


curl --include --request PATCH "http://localhost:4741/change-password/$ID" \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "passwords": {
      "old": "'"${OLDPW}"'",
      "new": "'"${NEWPW}"'"
 TOKEN=BAhJIiUyNjA2Y2EwYjIzYzU4OGQ5ZDdhY2YwZThlOGM2MzFhMAY6BkVG--9b4e60909025d8db3a9e3cf9fa156d0a851ba2e4 scripts/change-password.sh


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

DELETE /sign-out/:id


curl http://localhost:4741/sign-out/$ID \
  --include \
  --request DELETE \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN"
ID=1  TOKEN=BAhJIiUyNjA2Y2EwYjIzYzU4OGQ5ZDdhY2YwZThlOGM2MzFhMAY6BkVG--9b4e60909025d8db3a9e3cf9fa156d0a851ba2e4 ID=1 scripts/sign-out.sh


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
GET /users users#index
GET /users/1 users#show

GET /users


curl http://localhost:4741/users \
  --include \
  --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN"
 TOKEN=BAhJIiUyNjA2Y2EwYjIzYzU4OGQ5ZDdhY2YwZThlOGM2MzFhMAY6BkVG--9b4e60909025d8db3a9e3cf9fa156d0a851ba2e4 scripts/users.sh


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "users": [
      "id": 2,
      "email": "another@example.email"
      "id": 1,
      "email": "A@A.com"

GET /users/:id


curl --include --request GET http://localhost:4741/users/$ID \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN"
ID=2  TOKEN=BAhJIiUyNjA2Y2EwYjIzYzU4OGQ5ZDdhY2YwZThlOGM2MzFhMAY6BkVG--9b4e60909025d8db3a9e3cf9fa156d0a851ba2e4 scripts/users.sh


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "user": {
    "id": 2,
    "email": "another@example.email"

User Actions

All Kkitchen action requests must include a valid HTTP header Authorization: Token token=<token> or they will be rejected with a status of 401 Unauthorized.

Reset Database without dropping

This is not a task developers should run often, but it is sometimes necessary.


bin/rake db:migrate VERSION=0
bin/rake db:migrate db:seed db:examples


heroku run rake db:migrate VERSION=0
heroku run rake db:migrate db:seed db:examples


Developers should run these often!

  • bin/rake routes lists the endpoints available in your API.
  • bin/rake test runs automated tests.
  • bin/rails console opens a REPL that pre-loads the API.
  • bin/rails db opens your database client and loads the correct database.
  • bin/rails server starts the API.
  • scripts/*.sh run various curl commands to test the API. See below.

Technologies used

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL

Challenges, Learnings & Future Goals

When I started this project I thought it was going to be easier that it turned out. I wanted to make profiles for user when they sign up so that we could determine what data to allow them to access based on the user's role. I didn't want to create 2 models for that since the user's profile shared all the same attributes except their role. ne was either a kitchen owner the other a chef. This was hardest to implement. I started out trying to do polymorphic associations, then I tried to do ActiveRecord::Enum. For the most part I could CRUD on profiles but by the time it got to linking the profile model and the kitchen model it was hard for me to edit the controller to represent the data I wanted it to. After a few days of this I abbandoned the feature to come back to it at a later time. Another thing that I struggled with was showing a user only the kitchens they created, I solved this problem by creating a new route \userskitchen.

I learned how important it is to descope and timebox myself after working on profiles issue for more than 2 days.

I have many unfinished features that I will be working on implementing like: Features:

  • CRUD for Review (create, read, update, delete)
  • Image uploads
  • Store assets to AWS
  • Owner access reviews on their kitchen
  • Star reviews

Data Models Profile belongs_to :user

  • givenName | string
  • surname | string
  • Role | Owner:string , Chef:string
  • Phone number: integer

Equipment belongs_to :kitchen

  • rubber_floor_mats
  • fire_extinguisher
  • freezer:boolean
  • ovens:boolean
  • refrigirator:boolean
  • food_prep_counter:boolean slicers:boolean mixers:boolean
  • food_processors:boolean ranges:boolean
  • sinks:boolean shelving:boolean storage:boolean safety_equipment:boolean
  • Metal or plastic shelves for walk-in cooler

Reviews belongs_to :profile has_many_through :kitchens

  • Rating -- Star (Boolean?)
  • comments: string