
Worksheet 2

  • Server can support multiple players in a dungeon
  • Enable players to navigate multiple locations in a virtual dungeon
  • Clients are independent of each other
  • (WIP) Players are aware of other players in the same location
  • Players in the same room can communicate with each other.
  • Player activities do not adversely affect the performance of the MUD
  • Players leaving the MUD will not result in zombie clients
  • Players can rename their avatar
Extra Tasks
  • (WIP) PvP, players can damage & kill each other
  • Room graffiti, players can leave messages in rooms for each other
  • Player persistent, the server will maintain player state between player sessions
  • Dungeon items, players can pick up, move and gift items to each other
  • Player dungeon building, players can dig out new rooms into the dungeon and give them names and descriptions
  • NPC Baddies, baddies can interact with players