This repository contains various electronics projects for Ham Radio that I have created.
My call sign is VK4ASH, I hold an Advanced licence in Australia (equivalent to Extra in the US). My interests are in home brew, and QRP (Low power) digital modes.
The PSU Crowbar is designed to protect a radio from over voltage damage. This can occur if the series pass transistor of your 13.8V high current linear power supply goes short circuit.
Often the power supplies we use don't contain any internal crowbar and so have killed radios in the past.
A Call Sign Badge that sends Morse code on an LED. This design is for my call sign, but feel free to modify the design files to add yours.
The firmware uses a PIC10LF322 and stores a fixed message which is easily changed and rebuilt. The micro-controller is programmed to sleep as much as possible to preserve the CR2032 cell as long as possible.
All hardware in this repository is licensed under the CERN Open Hardware License v1.2 and is Copyright (C) Ashley Roll.
All software in the repository is licensed under the MIT License and is Copyright (C) Ashley Roll.