Oculus Touch button prompt mods for Praydog's UEVR Injector. These mods will update in-game button prompts to match Oculus Touch controllers but do not change the gamepad artwork in the main menu.
- The Aliens: Fireteam Elite mod requires Unreal Mod Unlocker Basic as a hard requirement to prevent online matchmaking from being disabled.
- The Martha Is Dead mod also fixes UI black border issues.
- Download a mod from the Releases page.
- Extract the PAK file and place it in the "Paks" directory in your game folder. (For Steam games, you can simply extract the contents of the RAR directly to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common)
- Inject with UEVR and play the game with Oculus Touch button prompts!
If the button prompts don't work, make sure the in-game controller layout is set to the Xbox controller (Most games will automatically default to an Xbox layout after injection)