Oculus Touch button prompt mods for Praydog's UEVR Injector. These mods will update in-game button prompts to match Oculus Touch controllers but do not change the gamepad artwork in the main menu.

  • The Aliens: Fireteam Elite mod requires Unreal Mod Unlocker Basic as a hard requirement to prevent online matchmaking from being disabled.
  • The Martha Is Dead mod also fixes UI black border issues.


  1. Download a mod from the Releases page.
  2. Extract the PAK file and place it in the "Paks" directory in your game folder. (For Steam games, you can simply extract the contents of the RAR directly to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common)
  3. Inject with UEVR and play the game with Oculus Touch button prompts!

If the button prompts don't work, make sure the in-game controller layout is set to the Xbox controller (Most games will automatically default to an Xbox layout after injection)