
The command line based flashcards application

Primary LanguageC++


A command line based flashcard application using the WASD keybindings. This provides the user with a minimal enviroment to study as well as a new simple way to store your flashcards.

Installation and Setup

To get this repo just clone it it wherever you want:

git clone https://github.com/AshuHK/Study_CLI.git
cd Study_CLI

You can create a .study file by using whatever text editor you want (vim, emacs, nano, etc.). You will also have to compile it using the Makefile:

# to compile

# to use Study CLI


  • Main Controls

    • h or H - go back one card
    • j or J - flip the current card
    • k or K - flip the current card (also)
    • l or L - go forward one card
  • Misc.

    • ? - help
    • q or Q - quit Study CLI

Note: In .study files, the delimiter character is |. See formatting.study for more details on formatting.